Package-level declarations

Entities used across the SDK for particular functionalities.


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Cohort(val cohortId: String, val privacyPolicy: String?, val cohortName: String?, val dataPattern: String?, val gpsResolution: Int, val canWithdraw: Int, val syncOnScreenOff: Int?, val perimeterCheck: Int?, val permAppId: Int?, val permDrawOver: Int?, val permLocation: Int?, val permContact: Int?)

When subscribing to a cohort with a cohort ID or a subscription ID, the call will return an object of this class which contains all information related to the cohort including necessary permissions and privacy policy.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Questionnaire(val id: String, val questionnaireName: String, val questionnaireDescription: String, val questionnaireCode: String, val questionnaireCohort: String, val questionnaireBody: String)

Class containing all information about a questionnaire that the user can fill in.