
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Cohort(val cohortId: String, val privacyPolicy: String?, val cohortName: String?, val dataPattern: String?, val gpsResolution: Int, val canWithdraw: Int, val syncOnScreenOff: Int?, val perimeterCheck: Int?, val permAppId: Int?, val permDrawOver: Int?, val permLocation: Int?, val permContact: Int?)

When subscribing to a cohort with a cohort ID or a subscription ID, the call will return an object of this class which contains all information related to the cohort including necessary permissions and privacy policy.


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constructor(cohortId: String, privacyPolicy: String?, cohortName: String?, dataPattern: String?, gpsResolution: Int, canWithdraw: Int, syncOnScreenOff: Int?, perimeterCheck: Int?, permAppId: Int?, permDrawOver: Int?, permLocation: Int?, permContact: Int?)


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It is 1 if the device is allowed to withdraw, if 0 only the cohort manager can withdraw the device

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Identification UUID fo the cohort

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Human readable title

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Data pattern - disregard, this is only used internally

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Deprecated - we do not use gps in newer versions

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Deprecated - we do not use this functionality anymore

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Is app id permission necessary for this cohort

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Deprecated - we do not use this functionality anymore

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Is draw over permission necessary for this cohort

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Deprecated - we do not use location anymore

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Privacy policy

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Deprecated - we do not use this functionality anymore