
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TrendHolder(val difference2Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, val statistic2Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, val significance2Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, val difference6Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, val statistic6Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, val significance6Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, val difference1Year: Double = Double.NaN, val statistic1Year: Double = Double.NaN, val significance1Year: Double = Double.NaN)

Thi object contains 9 values. For each time resolution (short: 2 Weeks, medium: 6 Weeks, long: 1 Year) the trend has 3 values: (difference: value of the change, statistic: p-value, significance: significance of the change)


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constructor(difference2Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, statistic2Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, significance2Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, difference6Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, statistic6Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, significance6Weeks: Double = Double.NaN, difference1Year: Double = Double.NaN, statistic1Year: Double = Double.NaN, significance1Year: Double = Double.NaN)


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the amount the metric has increased decrease (note: it is reported in the same unit as the metric)

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the amount the metric has increased decrease (note: it is reported in the same unit as the metric)

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the amount the metric has increased decrease (note: it is reported in the same unit as the metric)

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the significance of the trend, +1 means metric has significantly increase, -1 means metric has significantly decreased, 0 means no significant change

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the significance of the trend, +1 means metric has significantly increase, -1 means metric has significantly decreased, 0 means no significant change

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the significance of the trend, +1 means metric has significantly increase, -1 means metric has significantly decreased, 0 means no significant change

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p-value of the test done to check if the trend is significant

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p-value of the test done to check if the trend is significant

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p-value of the test done to check if the trend is significant


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