Package-level declarations
The main functionality of the Quantactions Android SDK.
This is the main element one needs to use to access all the functionality of the QA SDK. As a singleton it can be called easily from anywhere in the code and gives access to all the possible interactions with the QA backend, as well as some functions to retrieve user metrics. Since most of the calls are asynchronous server interactions, they return flows.
This object hold the information returned by the call QA.getSubscriptionId. It returns the subscriptionId, the list of deviceIds connected to this subscription and the cohortId relative to the subscription.
Utility class to hold a pair of lists, one with the score values and one with the timestamps
This function calculates the period mean of a series of ZonedDateTime. Given this is a periodic mean and not a full mean the result is not a ZonedDateTime but a LocalDateTime. This function only cares about the local
time when calculating the mean. You can ue this to calculate for example the average wake up time of a person given a list of wake up times.