
sealed class TimeSeries<T> : ManageTimeSeries<T>

Utility class to hold a pair of lists, one with the score values and one with the timestamps



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class DoubleTimeSeries(values: List<Double> = mutableListOf(), timestamps: List<ZonedDateTime> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalLow: List<Double> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalHigh: List<Double> = mutableListOf(), confidence: List<Double> = mutableListOf()) : TimeSeries<Double>
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class ScreenTimeAggregateTimeSeries(values: List<ScreenTimeAggregate> = mutableListOf(), timestamps: List<ZonedDateTime> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalLow: List<ScreenTimeAggregate> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalHigh: List<ScreenTimeAggregate> = mutableListOf(), confidence: List<Double> = mutableListOf()) : TimeSeries<ScreenTimeAggregate>
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class SleepSummaryTimeTimeSeries(values: List<SleepSummary> = mutableListOf(), timestamps: List<ZonedDateTime> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalLow: List<SleepSummary> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalHigh: List<SleepSummary> = mutableListOf(), confidence: List<Double> = mutableListOf()) : TimeSeries<SleepSummary>
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class TrendTimeSeries(values: List<TrendHolder> = mutableListOf(), timestamps: List<ZonedDateTime> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalLow: List<TrendHolder> = mutableListOf(), confidenceIntervalHigh: List<TrendHolder> = mutableListOf(), confidence: List<Double> = mutableListOf()) : TimeSeries<TrendHolder>


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override var confidence: List<Double>
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val size: Int

Number of data points in the time series

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timestamps relative to the score, are always normalized to the CURRENT local time zone of the device

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override var values: List<T>

values of the score